QIC Part A East
C2C Innovative Solutions, Inc. (C2C) is a Qualified Independent Contractor (QIC) for Medicare Part A for 26 eastern states, Washington D.C. and two U.S. territories. This jurisdiction also includes reconsiderations involving MSP recoveries. The jurisdiction is referred to as QIC Part A East.

For Part A East expedited reconsideration requests, please call toll free 1-855-371-5817 by no later than noon of the calendar day following the notice by the QIO of its redetermination decision.
For Part A East standard reconsideration requests, please include all of the following items in your request for the reconsideration:
- The Medicare beneficiary's name
- The Medicare beneficiary's health insurance claim number (HICN) or Medicare number
- Specific service(s) and item(s) for which the reconsideration is being requested, and the specific date(s) each of those item(s) or service(s) were provided
- The name of the party (appellant) or the name of the authorized representative of the party (appellant). Note: As of July 8, 2019, the signature of the party or the signature of the authorized representative of the party is no longer a requirement for a request for reconsideration.
- The name of the Medicare contractor that rendered the Part A claim redetermination (first-level appeal decision)